Senoia Water Rates

Residential Consumption (gal) Inside City Outside City
0-1000 $21.90 $32.16
1001-5000 $7.54 $8.90
5001-10,000 $8.49 $9.86
10,001 - 15, 000 $9.46 $10.82
over 15,000 gallons $10.41 $11.78


Commercial Consumption (gal) Commercial 
0 - 1000 $54.73
1001 - 5000 $8.29
5001 - 10,000 $8.98
10,001 - 15,000 $9.66
over 15,000 gallons $10.41


Industrial Consumption (gal) Industrial
0 - 1000 $61.58
1001 - 5000 $8.29
5001 - 10,000 $8.98
10,001 - 15,000 $9.66
over 15,000 gallons $10.41


If you suspect a problem, such as a leak, at your home or business please call City Hall (770) 599-3679 during business hours or the Police Department after business hours (770) 254-3911. They will immediately contact a member of the Public Works Department who will identify the source of the problem. If the problem is in an area outside our area of responsibility, we can provide you with guidance in correcting the problem.